Terra Equity Group

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How We Help Individuals With IRAs

If you have a self-directed IRA, you might not realize the potential you have at your disposal. Real estate investments, like multi-family residential buildings, commercial properties, retail shopping centers, office buildings, and hotels can be held within a self-directed IRA.

Illustrative Real Estate Investment Calculator

  • Your Age
  • Amount to Invest
  • Typical IRAs yield 7.5% IRR on investment. With Real Estate Syndication,
    Accredited Investors can receive up to 8% Cash Flow and 15% IRR on Investments.
  • Typical IRA with 7.5% IRR Monthly Cash Flow
  • Real Estate Syndication with 15% IRR Monthly Cash Flow
  • Investment at Retirement (65)
  • Investment at Retirement (65)

Value Proposition

Protect the Principal

IRA investments guarantee the return of all monies invested in your principal, assuring a baseline return regardless of market volatility.

Beats Traditional IRA Returns

All rental income from the property goes back into your IRA, where it continues to grow, tax-free, or tax-deferred. Typical returns range from seven to ten percent.

Manage Complexities

We take the hassle out of holding real estate in your IRA. Our team is well-versed in everything it takes to realize the best possible returns.


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