Terra Equity Group

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Investment opportunities are offered on a first-come-first-served basis. When you are ready to get started, we request that you get in touch as soon as possible so that we can confirm the asset’s availability. In most cases, the equity we need to purchase can be raised very quickly, so it is good to act fast if the interest is there.

Every investment opportunity is different, so the answer to this question varies. Generally, we don’t know the answer until all the shares are sold.

Terra Equity takes care of all day-to-day functions, so you do not have to worry about this.

When the property is sold or refinanced at a higher value, you will receive your initial investment. Until that time, you will receive quarterly, semi-annual, or annual distributions.

You are investing in syndicated real estate, which means you are purchasing shares, or investment units, in the LLC. The LLC is the actual owner of the building.

Since you are purchasing an investment property as a security, it falls under SEC jurisdiction. When money is pooled from two or more investors, if there is an expectation of generating profit, and when said investors are uninvolved with management decisions, this qualifies as a security regulated by the SEC.

All investments involve some risk. These include loss of tenancy, tenants unable to pay their rent, environmental factors, political unrest, or poor property management in general. We outline all inherent risks before proceeding with the investment but know that we would never knowingly risk our stellar reputation or our clients’ trust

We cannot guarantee this as all investments carry risk. However, we do our best to mitigate that risk by acquiring properties in areas with strong potential for the highest return and cash flow rate.

As an Equity Investor, you hold Class A shares. This means that you are a member of the LLC and, therefore, have limited liability. Your exposure is limited to the amount that you  contributed

If you think you might need the money for other reasons before the investment’s lifecycle ends, we strongly suggest that you choose not to invest. Your shares are restricted securities, which means simply that you cannot sell during the first year without certain exemptions – the process is cumbersome, as you can imagine, but in that first year, it is impossible. After the first year, you may be able to sell with an exemption, but the manager has the right of first refusal, so it is not guaranteed.


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