Terra Equity Group

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Real Estate Syndication Outperforms Typical IRAs

If you are looking for a way to provide your clients with the best value for their investment dollar, suggesting real estate syndication as an investment asset class can pave the way for more predictable returns. Whether investing with cash or self-directed IRAs, the benefits are clear. We work with you to provide reliable, informed advice, and access to opportunities that stand apart from others in terms of value, return, and risk reduction.

Offer your qualified investors the chance to diversify by providing access to high-performing opportunities that offer leveraged returns with limited liability exposure.

Value Proposition

Fiduciary Standards

We work within strict fiduciary standards to put your clients’ best interests above our own.

Managed Risk

Our syndicated opportunities are 90 percentoccupied, B+class properties, delivering an average of 7 to 8 percentcash-on-cash returns.

High Rate of Return Without the Work

Syndicated real estate offers the chance to participate in high-value opportunities without having to manage the day-to-day


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